A Troubled Birth –

As the War in Heaven reached its final, devastating stages, it became clear that the Gods were facing inevitable defeat. Desperate to replicate the success they had found with the Elves, a coalition of beleaguered Gods formed a hasty alliance. Their plan: create a new race, like the Elves, but greater in numbers, one that could overwhelm the Titans through sheer force. However, their creation was left unfinished when the Gods, defeated and fleeing the world, abandoned their new creation. These incomplete beings, the Humans, were left to fend for themselves.

From the outset, humanity was fractured. Violent and territorial, they split into warring tribes. Each tribe evolved differently, developing its own beliefs and customs, and constant warfare threatened the survival of the species. Despite the hardships, the human race adapted. Villages grew into towns, and towns into cities. But even as the population expanded, humanity’s own divisiveness prevented any one faction from gaining dominance. And as the wars dragged on, the very survival of the race began to teeter on the edge.

War of the Endless Night –

The first near-extinction event for humanity arose from the darkened city of Harrow Fell, which had succumbed to vampirism. The vampires launched a brutal campaign that came to be known as the War of the Endless Night. Dark magic blotted out the sun, allowing the vampires to ravage each city, sowing terror and death. For the first time, the human cities were forced to unite. A fragile alliance was formed, and together they managed to defeat the vampire threat.

However, instead of eradicating the vampires by marching on Harrow Fell, the cities fell back into their old ways, bickering and infighting. This division allowed the vampires to escape, regroup, and continue to pose a threat in the shadows. Nonetheless, humanity had learned a crucial lesson: only by standing together could they stave off destruction.


Fall of Callfor –

The brief unity forged during the War of the Endless Night paled in comparison to what came next. The city of Callfor became the epicenter of a demonic invasion, wiping out its population overnight. Demons overran the city and transformed it into a hellish stronghold, using it as a base to launch an assault on Bastion, one of humanity’s greatest cities.

The demon horde left nothing but ash and ruin in its wake, dragging human captives to a fate worse than death in the fiery abyss known as The Pit. As Bastion’s defenses began to crumble, its rulers sent desperate pleas for aid to other human cities. But none answered. The other cities, calculating and cautious, hoped to let the demons and Bastion weaken each other before committing their forces.

A New Hope –

Amidst this chaos, a lone knight appeared in the city of Grunberg. Clad in unmarked armor, without a sigil or banner, he spoke of humanity’s lost unity under the Gods, of the corruption that had taken root among the city rulers. His words ignited hope in the hearts of the people, and soon, a growing army followed him. This mysterious knight traveled from village to city, defeating demonic raiders as he went. His following swelled as he promised a new world, a world without strife and endless wars. But to achieve it, humanity had to fight

The Battle for Bastion –

By the time the Knights army reached the city of Bastion it was the single largest human force in history.  However, the Demons had not been idle during this time and they had the city under siege.  The city defences were on the brink of collapse and the city defenders all but exhausted, it was only a matter of time until the largest of the human cities fell.  The Knight though was more than just a great speaker, he was also a superb general and a deadly warrior.  When the great human army crested the last rise before the city, they were met by the horrific site of the Demon hordes.  A huge storm raged over Bastion which blocked out the sun and unnatural red lightning lashed the great walls.  Such a sight would be unnerving at the best of times but the gibbering horde turning to face the new threat sent a ripple of terror through the ranks.  At that moment though the Knight walked his horse to the front of the ranks.  Unsheathing his sword, he held it high above his head, pointing to the sky.  It was then that a single beam of sunlight broke through the dark storm and caught the sword.  The beam of light refracted unnaturally with five beams of pure light lancing through the Demons.  Where the light touched them, they burned horribly and dissolved.

Taking heart, the human force advanced, thundering into the shocked demons.  Still after the initial success the size of the Demon forces threatened to engulf the Knights army.  But the tide would turn again.  Seeing their chance, the beleaguered forces of Bastion opened the great gates and sallied forth into the rear of the Demons who had turned to meet the new threat.   Caught between the two forces the demons were crushed between them.  At the climax of the battle a huge Archdemon descended on the human force and threatened to rout the entire centre of the Knights force.  Charging in to battle the Knight challenged him to single combat.  The two circled each other as the battle fell away from around them.  As the battle raged on neither could land a telling blow.  The Archdemon was bleeding dark blood from numerous small wounds but despite being dented the armour of the Knight has yet to be pierced.  Finally, though a slip on the turgid muddy battlefield by the Knight allowed the Demon to land a telling blow but where blood should have poured a shining white light erupted piercing the Archdemon, going straight through its wing.  The pain and shock it caused gave the Knight the opportunity he needed, and his next blow decapitated the Archdemon.  The battle was over, and the Demons had been routed.  Mankind had survived its darkest hour thanks to a warrior that bled light.  From that day forward he would be known as the Divine Knight.

Forging an Alliance –

The threat of the Demons had shown the majority of humanity that they had to stand together in order to survive an increasingly hostile world.  Before fractious infighting and politics had made such a unification impossible but now, they had a leader everyone could unite behind.  Any opposition was quickly quashed by the feverish support of the masses and soon even the most stubborn nobles realised there only chance of survival was to throw in their lot with the Divine Knight. 

At first it was easy as humanity was swept up in a righteous tide.  The remaining Demons were hunted from the land all in the name of the Divine Knight.  Humanities mysterious savior knew it would not last though.  Humans crave power and would eventually turn on each other.  If they did, they would not survive as a race in such a violent world.  It was here that he proved not only he was a mighty warrior but also a great leader and a fine statesman.  He left the current rulers of the major settlements in place and brokered a series of important trade agreements.  Each of the towns would specialise in producing one primary good such as food, timber, or ore.  If they exported their supplies to the other settlements, they in turn would be provided with goods that they needed from other locations.  This would in time make everyone co dependent on each other and by dedicating themselves to a single resource they would become more efficient and in turn strengthen humanities position.

It would not be enough though.  Humans from different regions had their own sets of beliefs and customs.  Most of them were variations on the same theme.  For example, there were many names for a God of War or a Goddess of Harvests.  A new priesthood was formed, and the Knight taught them the true names of humanities Gods.  None questioned how he knew this for all the Priests had heard the tales of the battle with the Demons and they could see it in his eyes that he was a messenger from the Gods.  The Alliance had been forged in faith and necessity. 

Survival –

The Knight had seen the future though and he knew being united might not even be enough.  To fight the wars to come Humans would need every weapon in their arsenal.  Before magic users had been persecuted as dangerous freaks but he founded the school of magic to teach people with the gift how to use it for humanities benefit.  Many orders of Knights came into being and the existing ones from before his coming were given a more prominent position in society.  The previous unknown science of medicine was founded, and hospitals came into existence and although primitive would help progress the understanding of disease and illness.  But perhaps most important was the founding of the Templar order.  They were given the dangerous and sacred duty of going beyond the borders of Humanities territories to find and retrieve artefacts of great power that would benefit the Alliance and help them defeat their enemies. 

Hope –

The Alliance prospered for many generations, but it was not without its problems.  Once everything was in place the Divine Knight created a council to rule over the Alliance as he retired into the shadows.  He was still the leader of the Human Alliance, but he was now merely a figurehead.   Without his guiding hand factions and politics came back as people put their own need for glory ahead of what was best for the majority.  The worst case of this came when a sect of the priesthood broke off declaring visions of the one True God that had shown them the error of Humanities ways.  Appealing to a great number of the disenfranchised and downtrodden they became known as followers of the True Path and when the ruling council declared them outlaws, they in turn declared the leadership heretics and left the lands of the Alliance in a great pilgrimage.   Despite this loss the Alliance is still strong thanks to the Knights teachings and the foundations he laid. 

Many generations have passed since then and tales are told in taverns of how their grandfathers, grandfathers were part of the Battle of Bastion.  Still the Divine Knight sits on his throne in his tower in Bastion, only coming forward in times of great need.  Some whisper that he is not the same person and that they replace him out of fear of what would happen if he ever died.  Others say he is more than a messenger from the Gods but one himself.


Alliance Regular

As in most fantasy settings the Human Alliance is a balanced force.  They do not excel in any area, but neither are they disadvantaged either.  For Regular choices you can go defensive with Pikemen to protect your lines, Swordsman for a balanced option in combat.  Crossbows give you a ranged attack, but you also have support options such as Priests to buff your other cards or Field Surgeons which can keep defeated cards from being removed from play.



Veteran choices let you pick Wizards which will allow you to use the magic spells of the Alliance.  Or if you are more combat orientated Halberdiers give you the best close combat option.  Pit Fighters are not quite as good in direct combat, but their killing blow ability means they will always have a chance to win no matter how tough the opponent.  Finally, Bounty Hunters give you not only a ranged option, but bounty allows you to debuff an opponent card.


Elite - 

For the Elite Alliance cards, you can choose from Knights whose charge gives them a huge advantage when on the attack, Templers who are the best all round combat unit or the deadly war machine the Hellmouth to rain damage down from distance. 

Titan & Legend & Heroes & Champions


To lead your army will you take Marshall Voss to charge into the enemy or Illias Dante with his killing blow and banner ability to boost troops close to him?  Supported by Champions, Eric Redcastle who reduces the cost of reinforcements to allow you to get more cards on the battlefield, Arteius Kirkridge and his additional magic item or even the deadly Assassin who can be sacrificed to take out any of your opponents cards.  And hopefully you draw the massive Wrathbringer battering ram or even the Divine Knight himself.


Magic Items