Masters of Storm and Sea –
In a world dominated by the vast, unending oceans, there are those who see the endless waters not as a barrier but as an opportunity—an open invitation to plunder, pillage, and carve out a life of freedom on the high seas. These are the Pirates of the Blood Sea, a fearsome and lawless band united by their thirst for adventure, wealth, and the thrill of defying the established order. Yet, beneath their chaotic, freewheeling facade lies a dark secret: an alliance with an ancient and malevolent force, the Kraken, whose influence has begun to reshape the destiny of every captain who sails under the black flag!
A Pirate's Paradise –
The Blood Sea is a treacherous stretch of ocean, infamous for its violent storms, shifting currents, and hidden reefs. It is here, among the jagged islands and perilous shoals, that the pirate clans have made their home. The islands themselves are a chaotic, lawless expanse where captains rule by might and cunning, each maintaining their own territory and fiercely defending it from rivals. While humans make up the majority of these marauders, the pirate crews are as diverse as the sea itself, with dwarves, elves, orcs, and other races finding a place among the rum-soaked decks and raucous taverns of the Blood Sea's hidden ports.
These islands are strategically positioned along major trade routes, allowing the pirates to launch sudden, brutal raids on merchant vessels, plundering their goods before disappearing into the mist. For decades, this region has been a thorn in the side of the world's merchants and navies, who have tried time and again to break the pirates' stranglehold, only to be repelled or lured into ambushes that left them with fewer ships than they started.

A Dark Alliance -
When the Kraken was defeated by Poseidon in the First War of Atlantis, it retreated to the deepest, darkest part of the ocean, a place known as the Death Trench. There, the titan nursed its wounds, seething with hatred and a thirst for vengeance. Though the Titans eventually withdrew from the world, the Kraken did not. It was too consumed by its rage, too fixated on its hatred for the Atlantians to rest. Hidden in the abyssal darkness, the Kraken’s influence began to spread, calling to the denizens of the deep, gathering to itself a small, but growing force of creatures willing to serve its will.
But the numbers were not enough. The Kraken's forces had been decimated during its war against Poseidon, and the scattered remnants were too weak to challenge the might of Atlantis. Seeking new allies, the Kraken turned its gaze upward, to the surface, where it found a new breed of ally—the pirates. These lawless seafarers were a perfect tool for the Kraken’s schemes, driven by greed, ambition, and a desire for freedom. Through subtle whispers and strange omens, the Kraken began to guide the pirates, nudging them toward a dark alliance that would bring chaos to the seas once more.
The Pirate Wars –
The pirates had long thrived by exploiting the chaos of the open ocean, but their dominance was not unchallenged. Over time, their success drew the ire of the Merchants' Alliance, a powerful coalition of traders and naval powers who had grown tired of seeing their wealth siphoned away by these marauders. Using intelligence gathered from captured pirates, the alliance launched a massive offensive, systematically attacking and destroying pirate strongholds across the Blood Sea.
For the first time in their history, the pirates were on the defensive, forced to retreat into the deeper, uncharted waters of the ocean. The Blood Sea, once a haven for lawless adventure, became a battleground where pirate crews were hunted down, their ships sunk, and their once-thriving ports reduced to smoking ruins. Yet, as victorious as the alliance was, a disagreement between the merchant lords and their naval commanders left the job unfinished. The naval captains, believing their mission accomplished, refused to pursue the pirates into the dark, uncharted waters where they had fled. This retreat allowed the surviving pirates to regroup and bide their time.

Under the Black Flag -
The remnants of the pirate fleet limped back to their secret haven, the infamous Pirate Island, where a council of captains was called in secret. The meeting was tense, fraught with accusations, rivalry, and the lingering bitterness of recent defeats. Yet, the captains understood one thing: if they were to survive, they needed to set aside their differences and unite. They agreed to pool their resources, combining their ships into a single, formidable fleet, and to limit their raids to avoid provoking another massive counter-attack. This Pirate Pact forged a fragile unity, one held together by necessity rather than trust, as the pirates worked to rebuild their power and reclaim the seas.
The Dark Bargin –
As the shadow of the Kraken lingered in the depths of the Dark Ocean, its malevolent influence slowly rebuilt its power. Despite its retreat after the First War of Atlantis, the Kraken’s hatred for the Atlantians burned brighter than ever. It knew it could not challenge Atlantis alone, not while it was still weakened. But it was patient, cunning, and above all, relentless. It sought allies, beings who shared its desire to see Atlantis brought to ruin, and it found a kindred spirit in the form of the Water Elemental, a force of nature as ancient and untamed as the seas themselves.
The Water Elemental in its rage had become an avatar of chaos. After being driven away by the Atlantians’ relentless defense of their rebuilt city, it harbored a deep-seated resentment against those who sought to control the ocean's flow. It viewed the Atlantians not as stewards of the sea, but as usurpers who imposed their will on waters that should remain wild and free. The battles it had fought against them had only deepened its rage, and now it sought a way to reclaim the oceans from their control.
In the darkest trench, where the ocean floor seemed to drop away into a bottomless abyss, the Kraken and the Water Elemental met and forged a pact. This was the Dark Bargain, an alliance born from their mutual hatred of Atlantis. Each recognized the other as a powerful, ancient entity with the potential to shatter Atlantian supremacy, but alone, they were not enough. United, however, they could unleash chaos on a scale that Atlantis had not seen since the days of the Titans.
The Abyssal Pact -
The terms of the Dark Bargain were simple yet devastating. The Kraken would command the dark denizens of the abyss, the monstrous creatures it had gathered to its side over centuries. The Water Elemental, with its ability to manipulate the tides and currents, would raise tempests, summon whirlpools, and bring forth tsunamis, disrupting the Atlantians' carefully maintained control of the seas. Together, they would create an environment where no ship, no city, and no fortress could stand against the combined might of their fury.
The Kraken had long envied the Atlantians’ mastery over the seas, but now it saw a way to break them—not through direct confrontation, but by creating an endless state of unrest. The Water Elemental, meanwhile, craved to see the ocean restored to its raw, untamed state, a place where no walls or structures could endure. Each saw in the other the means to achieve their deepest desire: the total subjugation of the Atlantians.
Pirate Pawns –
The Dark Bargain’s effects were felt far beyond the depths of the ocean. The Kraken, through its dark influence, had already whispered to the pirates of the Blood Sea, enticing them with promises of power, wealth, and dominion over the seas. The pirates, already embittered by their battles with the merchant fleets and the rising might of Atlantis, found themselves drawn to the Kraken’s offer. They were cunning, ruthless, and pragmatic, but they also understood that aligning with such a monstrous entity brought risks. Yet the temptation of controlling the seas was too great to resist.
The Water Elemental, on the other hand, had no use for the pirates directly. It allowed the Kraken to manipulate them, viewing them as tools—nothing more than chaos-makers who would help disrupt the Atlantian fleets and their carefully plotted trade routes. For the pirates, it meant access to the dark currents that could slip past Atlantian patrols, and tempests that could shield their vessels from sight as they conducted their raids. Little did they know, the Kraken was using them to further its own ends, directing them like pieces on a vast, oceanic chessboard.
A New Era of Piracy –
With the power of the Kraken behind them, the pirates of the Blood Sea have entered a new era. Under Blackbeard’s leadership, they have become bolder, striking further and harder than ever before, knowing that few dare to challenge them now. The pirate fleet has swelled, with captains who once fought each other now working together, driven by the fear of the Kraken’s wrath. The Blood Sea is more dangerous than ever, a place where ships vanish without a trace, and where dark shadows glide beneath the waves, ready to drag the unwary into the abyss.
But the pirates’ newfound power has come at a cost. Blackbeard, once a cunning and ruthless leader, is now haunted by nightmares of the Kraken, visions of dark tendrils reaching out from the deep. Some say he has changed, that he is no longer the man he once was, and whispers of mutiny grow louder with each passing day. The Kraken, watching from the dark, knows that it is only a matter of time before it makes its next move, using the pirates to spread chaos and weaken the Atlantians before striking once more.


Pirates Regular
Regular Pirates are your all-round close combat fighter whereas Buccaneers use pistols to provide you some ranged firepower instead. Parrots are weak and as they are normally on a chain, they do not have the fly ability but they do have Scout so you can reveal hidden cards. Dead Men are not as good in combat as regular Pirates, but they do have Undead which means they will normally have a size advantage and then an extra dice in combat. Last there are Sharks, they are fierce in attack but vulnerable when defending.

For Veteran choices the Sea Hag lets you use the Pirate magic deck. Corsairs are good close combat unit with the added Sea Shanty ability boosting cards next to them. The Ships Cannon gives you a powerful ranged war machine that as well as normal ranged attacks, can also use a slightly weaker chain shot to hit multiple targets. The Deep Demon has the Ambush ability, allowing you to attack on your opponents card if it is revealed by them on their turn.

Elite -
At Elite level, the Pirate Captain is a very good fighter and also gives other Pirates a bonus and his Parley ability makes it difficult for your opponent to attack them. Or you could go more offensive and take the Great White which has a high attack, and the Killing Blow ability so will be winning a lot of combats. The other option is the Pirate Ship with its huge size and Boarding ability which lets you place regular reinforcement cards into its follow up space when you win a combat.
Titan & Legend & Heroes & Champions

For a Hero you can take a balanced all rounder with Blackbeard who can also Parley and give a bonus to any Corsairs you have. Or you can go all out attack and take the massive Megalodon who will dominate any attack it makes. For Champions, Long John Silver can use his Black Spot to really handicap your opponents cards. Or take the Flying Dutchman which has not only got Boarding but is Undead and huge so will be rolling extra dice. And then there is Calypso, the best magic user for the Pirates. And of course, you will be looking to draw the Legend card of the Water Elemental or the massive Kraken Titan card, both will turn the tide of any battle.

Magic Items

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