Genova and the Champion –
Before the Titans' uprising against the Gods, the leader of the divine pantheon was Genova, the most powerful and dominant of the Gods. Her champion was a Titan of unparalleled strength, a being she had perfected through the art of creation. This Champion was nearly unstoppable, and many believed Genova had achieved the pinnacle of divine craftsmanship.
However, it was the Champion himself who would become the first to question the purpose of the Titans and their role as mere pawns in the Gods' games. He openly challenged Genova, questioning why they existed only to serve and entertain their creators. This dissent was a shock, not just to Genova but to all the Gods. Her once-mighty Titan, who had secured her dominance, now threatened her authority. The other Gods, eager for any sign of her weakness after enduring her triumphs for so long, mocked her. To them, it was an embarrassment that her most powerful creation was questioning its own purpose.
Unaccustomed to being defied, Genova acted swiftly and ruthlessly. She cast out the Champion, vowing to create something even greater. Yet, his defiance had already sown the seeds of rebellion, inspiring the other Titans to contemplate their own existence and eventually rise against their masters. Realizing that a conflict with the Titans was inevitable, Genova set about crafting a new creation, a race designed specifically to confront this impending threat.
Creation –
Genova’s new creation was the Angels, radiant humanoid beings adorned with great white wings. Learning from her experience with the Champion, she altered her approach. Instead of creating a single, formidable entity, she formed an entire army. Individually, the Angels were not as powerful as the Titans, but they were designed to work together as a cohesive and flexible force. United, they could overcome even the mightiest of beings. To ensure their loyalty, Genova instilled in them an unwavering devotion, making certain that no Angel would ever question her will or defy her commands.
The Gate –
When the Titans inevitably rebelled, the Angels were among the first to go to war. Always at the forefront, they played a critical role in the battles against the Titans. The Gods, who had once guarded the vulnerabilities of their Titans to maintain their position in the "Great Game," now revealed these weaknesses, allowing the Angels to exploit them. In a series of brutal engagements, many Titans were brought down, but the cost was high. Though the Angels were effective, they were still a young race, and for every Titan they defeated, countless Angels fell.
As the war turned against her, Genova could see only defeat looming on the horizon. She retreated to the realm of the Gods, determined to prevent the Titans from following her. To secure her sanctuary, she constructed the Gate of Heaven, a massive structure that sealed the gateway to the divine realm. During its construction, the Angels fought desperately to hold off the Titans' final assault, sustaining heavy losses. Their valiant defense, however, bought just enough time. The gate shut mere moments before the Titans could breach it, leaving them outside, unable to break through despite their great power. The Champion himself led the charge against the gate, but even he could not make a dent.

The War Ends -
With Genova's retreat, the Titans turned their attention to the remaining Angels, trying to convince them that they were now free from the Gods’ tyranny. They urged the Angels to embrace their newfound autonomy and to live in peace. But the Angels’ devotion to Genova was absolute. Even in her absence, they refused to abandon her, seeing themselves as her eternal servants. Wearied by the conflict and seeing no further threat from the Angels, the Titans departed, assuming that, given time, even the Angels would come to realize the truth of their words.
For the first time since their creation, the Angels found themselves without a war to fight and without their God to guide them.

Shepards of the World –
Left to their own devices, the Angels began to rebuild their civilization. They based their laws and way of life on what they believed was Genova's will, interpreting her teachings to create a code of morality and justice. Over time, they came to see themselves as the shepherds of the world, guiding the other mortal races the Gods had created. The Angels sought to educate these beings, believing that their own sense of right and wrong was the true path, and were baffled when others resisted their doctrines.
Many mortals saw the Angels as divine messengers, but this reverence was short-lived. When followers of the Titans fought back against what they saw as the Angels' oppression, others began to abandon their allegiance to them. Disheartened, the Angels withdrew, choosing to live in self-sufficient isolation. Only recently have they begun to trade and interact with the rest of the world again, though some still see themselves as responsible for guiding all beings, regardless of origin.
Angels and Demons –
Despite their isolation, the Angels could not ignore all that happened in the world, and sometimes this required them to march to war to uphold their ideals. However, the opening of a rift to the Demon realm caused the greatest alarm. The Demons were not of this world; they existed in their own twisted dimension. To the Angels, they represented the ultimate threat, and they would stop at nothing to eradicate it. For their part, the Demons took pleasure in capturing Angels and attempting to break their will. Thus far, no Angel has succumbed, choosing death over defiance.
These encounters led to frequent raids against the Demon strongholds. The Angels would strike quickly, aiming to rescue any mortals ensnared by the Demons' clutches.
Divinity War –
With such hatred between two factions, it was only a matter of time before all out war would break out and this was the case between the Demons of the Pit and the Angles of Elysium. Michael and his council had long sought a way to rid the world of the menace of the Demons which they saw as the most polar opposite in beliefs to themselves. The only way would be to seal the rift itself, something that would be beyond their ability. Instead Michael decided they would take the fight to the Pit itself, the Angels would cross the rift and force the Demons onto the defensive. If they could take a foothold in the foreign realm, they could dramatically reduce the amount of Demon attacks the world suffered. So it was that the armies of the Angels were mobilised. Even the ancient Justice Engine was taken from its holy resting place as the Angels made their approach on any known rifts. A coordinate attack was launched, and the Angels swept into the world known as the Pit. At first, they made great gains such was the surprise of the assault. The Demons had never been attacked on their home plane before and were completely taken by surprise. So unprepared were they that the Angles sept through the realms of hell and reached the gates of the Pit itself. The defences there though were immense, and the attack stalled as the Angles tried to set up siege lines. So immense thought were the walls that Michael soon decided a siege was unpractical and they would need to withdraw. The Demons could not be defeated but they could stop them at the rifts which acted as natural choke points. What they did not expect though was the Gates of Hell to open and the hosts of Demons that poured out. The Demons had no interest in waiting behind the walls and were eager to battle. Instead of being able to set up strong holds in the Demon plane instead the Angels were now fighting a frantic retreat to the rifts. Even though many made it back they were badly beaten and only once they had made it back to Elysium did they have any respite. The Demons poured out in great numbers and attacked many places in the world in the following days. Michael likened it to kicking a hornets nest and realised they had underestimated the size of the Demon forces. He instructed his greatest minds to once more look for ways to seal the rift but they had a much better idea of what they faced, strategy could be improved in future battles and secretly some secret military bases were established within the Demon realm. These staging grounds would be used in the future to launch lightning raids and rescue missions deep within the Pit. The Demons constantly search for these but so far have been unable to uncover them.

Fallen Angels –
The story of the Fallen is a tale of tragedy, forever intertwined with that of the Angels. It began with a single Angel who dared to question everything. Since their creation, the Angels had been unwaveringly faithful to Genova's teachings, their entire existence built upon her will. Differences of interpretation had led to theological debates, but none had ever questioned her authority outright—until one did.
After the loss of his family in horrific circumstances, the Angel, now known as the Fallen, stood before Genova’s Gate, seeking answers. He questioned why such events could occur despite his unwavering faith. Others tried to comfort him, insisting that Genova's will was beyond mortal understanding and that all things happened for a reason. Yet he refused to be placated, beseeching his God for an explanation. Then, for the first time since the end of the War in Heaven, the gate opened. It was not a grand opening, but a slight ajar, just enough for him to enter. Without hesitation, the Fallen stepped through.
What transpired on the other side remains a mystery, for he has never spoken of it. But when he returned, he renounced all Gods as false and left Elysium, shaking the very foundations of Angelic society. For the first time, some Angels began to question their beliefs, following him into a new path of uncertainty.
Return of Genova -
In response to this threat of dissent, the ruling council of Angels tightened their doctrine, doubling down on their interpretation of Genova’s will. Any deviation, even from among their own, was met with harsh retribution. Unbeknownst to them, however, Genova had not truly vanished. She had retreated but not withdrawn entirely. Defeat was not in her nature, and she had set her mind to reclaiming her dominion. Powerful enchantments on the Gate itself concealed her presence, even from the Titans in their slumber, but only as long as the gate remained sealed.
Since that fateful day when the Fallen entered, the Gate has not opened again, and no one has seen Genova. Yet her influence persists, guiding her children, the Angels, from beyond, as she continues to bend them to her indomitable will.


Angels Regular
The Angles are a highly fast and mobile force with almost all cards with the fly ability. But they are not numerous so have to be careful not to be overwhelmed by size.
For the regular choices the Angels are the best offensive fighters with a high attack of nine but if you want to use ranged attacks instead the Gate Wardens are the troops to take. As befitting such a holy faction, you have the option to take Choir cards which with their heal ability will help keep your other cards in the battle. Or you could take the Cherubim who call on the blessings of the God Genova which allows you to boost your other cards. Finally, the other option are the Guardians who have a very high defence score for a regular card, making them tough and hard to beat.

First up the Judges let you cast judgement on other cards, either penalising your opponents card or boosting your own when they come into play. The Archangels are the close combat option with the best stats to get into the fight. Pegasus Knights are the cavalry option with a high attack plus charge as well to help them when they are aggressive. However, they can be vulnerable when forced to defend. Lastly the Voices have access to magic which allows you to use the dangerous spells available in the Angels deck.

Elite -
The powerful Seraphim are immense combat troops at the Elite level. They can go up against the very best in the game and come out victorious in close combat. Chariots are also a very good option in combat as their charge lets them crash into combat and they are not as fragile as other cavalry choices, but their lack of fly makes them slower than the rest of the Angels. And then there are the Heralds, a more defensive option who will be hard to kill but their banner ability boosts all the cards around them.
Titan & Legend & Heroes & Champions

Heroes that lead the Angel army are Gabriel and Metatron. Metatron is close combat specialist with very high attack and defence statistics whereas Gabriel is a powerful magic user with access to the magic deck, although he is no slouch in combat either compared to normal spell casters. Champions of the Angels reflect different aspects. Vengeance is the strongest when it comes to combat whereas Mercy will not be much use attacking but the very high defence score keeps her on the battlefield. With her heal ability and bonus for Choir cards the heal ability is boosted and it will be easier for you to keep your cards on the battlefield. Finally, there is Death, whose Deathtouch ability means whoever takes Death down, will also be eliminated in turn. All of these are led by the Legendary Michael who is a dual threat spell caster and terrifying warrior. And if you are lucky enough to draw the Titan card the Judgement Engine will take a lot of stopping from your opponent.

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